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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Middle East Mass protests continue in Egypt

CAIRO—A massive crowd gathered Tuesday evening at central Cairo's Tahrir Square, as protesters renewed their demand for an immediate exit for President Hosni Mubarak and ignored incremental moves by Egypt's government toward promised reforms.

The regime and its opponents remain far apart on Mr. Mubarak's immediate future. Opposition members have dismissed anything short of the president's ouster. Many believe the government is playing for time, hoping to use a series of lower-level concessions to split the opposition and sap support for an uprising now in its third week.

Protesters and the government are locked in a battle for momentum. Many rank and file Egyptians, even some sympathetic to the protesters' efforts, are eager to get back to work. The country's tourism industry is suffering badly, and some manufacturing

Demonstrators show no signs of backing down or losing support Tuesday. The lines to get into the square snaked down the street running along the Nile River as well as across the Kasr Al Nil bridge, as sympathizers heeded the call for another show of strength. New arrivals waited patiently, shoulder to shoulder to get in. Ahead of them, the square was already packed with a crowd easily as large the one that gathered Friday.

The opposition movement got a boost overnight with the release of Wael Ghonim. The Google Inc. executive administered a Facebook page that played a key role in mobilizing a demonstration for Jan. 25. The size of that gathering shocked organizers and security forces alike and kicked off the uprising.

Mr. Ghonim, 30 years old, was released from state security detention Monday and arrived Tuesday evening in Tahrir Square, where he gave a brief speech.

"For a long time, I've been saying we have a voice that should be heard," Mr. Ghonim said. "We have a right that should be taken seriously. We will take that right, even if we die as martyrs. Your demands are my demands. For the president to step down is our demand from now on."

When he finished, the burgeoning crowd broke into the national anthem and patriotic songs.

The atmosphere in Tahrir is now as much that of a festival as a protest. Much of the square is effectively roofed, with tents propped up against buildings and leaning against each other. The competition for cleverest signs continues. "Mubarak, you donkey!" one read. "With my apologies to the donkey."

A burnt-out police van near the south entrance to the square had been decorated with chalk graffiti saying: "NDP Headquarters," referring to Egypt's ruling party. The actual headquarters of the National Democratic Party stands across the square, also charred.

Drawings on the van portrayed a fortune teller speaking to Egypt's president. "I see a trip to Germany" the fortune teller prophesied. Mr. Mubarak has made several medical sojourns to Germany, most recently last year for gall-bladder surgery.

Protesters are adapting to the demands of everyday life, too. The crowds have swelled after work hours as people stop by to show support for a couple of hours before heading home for dinner, leaving the night to the opposition's hard core.

"Let them remain obstinate but life won't stop," said Mohammed Ghurab, a 50-year-old cab driver about the Tahrir protesters. He said a grand majority of Egyptians have tremendous respect for Mr. Mubarak and want him to exit gracefully.

The throngs gathered even after Vice President Omar Suleiman, the former intelligence chief, said on state television that a committee has been formed to discuss changes to the constitution ahead of elections this fall. The 11-person panel will be headed by Serri Seyam, chief justice of the Court of Cassation, Egypt's top court.

A crowd tens of thousands strong also marched through the streets of Alexandria, Egypt's second city, on Tuesday. The demonstration appeared to be easily the largest in Alexandria since the festive so-called million-man march a week ago.

Egypt's central bank Tuesday said it intervened to support the pound after recent political unrest sent the currency to its lowest juncture in six years against the dollar. The pound fell to 5.9615 to the dollar before recovering to around 5.8778 to the dollar. One Cairo-based foreign-exchange trader said the real test for the pound will come Sunday, when the stock market reopens.

In Cairo's working-class neighborhood of Saida Zeinab, shops were open, and fruit stands brimmed with fresh offerings. Pro-Mubarak graffiti was everywhere, proclaiming, "Yes, yes, Mubarak man of security and peace" and "Hero of October War!"

Ten tanks were lined up on the road leading to the southern Cairo courthouse compound. There was another large army presence—more than 60 tanks and other armored vehicles—near Cairo Stadium and the city's conference center.

Banks continue to ease open their branches, moving gradually due to a lack of cash in some locations. Commercial International Bank has opened 30 of its 155 branches and aims to open another 30 by the end of the week.

"There are impediments," said Sherif Khalil, CIB's head of investor relations. "We don't have a liquidity issue. We have a problem with transfer."

The bank hopes to get back to full capacity by the end of next week. The Central Bank has limited cash withdrawals to 50,000 Egyptian pounds ($8,353) or $10,000, though larger amounts can be moved via electronic transfer.

Egypt's Central Bank said banks will return Thursday to normal operating hours of 8:30 a.m. to either 2 p.m. or 5 p.m., depending on their practice. Branches currently are serving customers for just 3½ hours a day.

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